Rhinoplasty is a highly popular plastic and cosmetic procedure that is mainly performed by an expert cosmetic surgeon for altering or reconstructing the nose. This cosmetic procedure has been fairly universal for common folks, apart from the realm of celebrities worldwide. Talking about its increasing popularity in our country, Rhinoplasty or nose job has been the third most common cosmetic procedure in India. So, get acquainted with the top 4 reasons why people consider Rhinoplasty by going through our latest blog, drafted by the best plastic surgeon in Kolkata.

1. To Change The Shape And Size Of The Nose:

This has perhaps been the most common reason why most people irrespective of gender are opting for rhinoplasty. It is an undeniable truth that the size and shape of the nose directly have an influence on the overall appearance of a face. So, an expert cosmetic surgeon can change the shape and size of the nose according to someone’s wish. The proper change in the shape and size of the nose can enhance the look and brings harmony to the facial features.

2. To Solve The Breathing Issues:

It is utterly wrong to say that people only undergo rhinoplasty in order to enhance their aesthetic. In fact, there are numerous people who have considered having a nose job in order to solve their problems related to their noses. However, this problem is mainly caused by the deviated septum. Therefore, an expert and experienced cosmetic surgeon via rhinoplasty strive to correct nasal abnormalities, unusual anatomies, and congenital defects related to the nose.

3. To Treat Cleft Lips Or Cleft Palates:

If a person has a cleft lip or cleft palate, he/she often chooses to undergo rhinoplasty. People who abnormally take birth with a cleft lip or cleft palate, have some major deformities in the areas of mouth and nose. Therefore, rhinoplasty can help them increase their facial aesthetics and treat other medical conditions they may have due to cleft lip or cleft palate.

4. To Treat Chronic Sinus Issues:

Just like other nasal conditions that may block the nasal passages, suffering from chronic sinus problems may obstruct someone’s sleep with major shortness of breath. When this turns out to be severe, it can be life-threatening at times. However, in such cases, rhinoplasty can help a person get rid of chronic sinus issues and have a better quality of life.

The Plastic and Hand Surgery Clinic is one of the premier locations for Rhinoplasty in India. So, here visit the best rhinoplasty surgeon in Kolkata if you consider undergoing rhinoplasty.

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